Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Understanding and Development Policy Analysis

Policy analysis can be understood as a process that produces knowledge of and in the policy process. Knowledge of the policy process refers to "systematic and empirical studies about how policy is made and give effect", while knowledge in the policy process refers to the understanding that "realism decision to partially depend on access to the stock of existing knowledge". In this wide definition, policy analysis covers various forms of assessment, from the use of mystical or supernatural power to the modern sciences.

Historically, the purpose of policy analysis is to provide information for policy makers to be considered a reason to find the problem-solving policies. Thus, the basic orientation of policy analysis has practical in many ways making it equal to the applied social sciences.

Methodology, methods and techniques of policy analysis has changed markedly throughout history. But policy analysis explicitly only be empirical and quantitative in the period after the Industrial Revolution. When the analysis of twentieth-century policy of following the tradition established in the previous century, fifty years ago has seen an increase in professionalism and the institutionalization of policy analysis in government. In the period after World War II, began to dominate analysentrik approach to policy analysis.

The evolution of policy analysis has generally followed the changes in society. One of the major changes in society is the growth of urban areas in Mesopotamia and then in India, China and Greece. In the medieval period, urban civilization becomes more complex with the differentiation and specialization of the role of policy analysis, especially financial, and legal war.

Major transformation in the production of knowledge occurs as a result of policies of the Industrial Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment, both followed the growth of political stability among social chaos. In the twentieth century, developing policy analysis. First to respond to the economic downturn and war, and later as a reaction against the government grew dramatically. After World War II, was born of post-industrial society which has a technical-professional class of educated and has reached a prominent position that is not unexpected as the previous period.

There are at least two main ways to explain the evolutionary history of policy analysis from the past until today. According to one approach (guidance technocratic), knowledge of policy is a scarce resource whose ownership can increase the strength and influence of professional policy analysis. Other approaches (counseling technocratic) conversely states that the primary role of policy analysts is to legitimize the policy decisions made by power holders.

Each approach helps in some ways to explain the change history, but both tend to exaggerate the power and influence of policy analysis for different reasons. Guidance technocratic approach to assess the influence of too much analysis in the form of important policy choices, rather technocratic one counseling approach in assessing the importance of symbolic analysis in the ratified decisions made on the basics of politics.

Whatever the final decision of the controversy, it is clear that the environmental community at this time and the problem has changed dramatically. Efforts to develop new procedures and better to produce information that will contribute to the resolution of public issues is not solely an intellectual task or scientific tasks, but basically political in nature. Policy analysis inherent in the political process that reflects the conflict of values from several community groups that fight for their own vision of social development.

Sources: William N. Dunn, Introduction to Public Policy Analysis

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