Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011


The new policy process begins when the actors begin to realize that the policy of state of the problem, namely the perceived situation of adversity or disappointment in the formulation of needs, values and opportunities (Ackoff in Dunn, 2000:121). Dunn (2000-21) argues that policy analysis methodology incorporates five general procedure commonly used in solving human problems: definition, prediction, prescription, description, and evaluation. In the analysis of policies such procedures to obtain specific names, namely:
1. Problem Formulation
Formulation of the problem (definition) yield information on the conditions that give rise to policy issues
2. Forecasting
Forecasting (prediction) provides information about the future consequences of alternative implementation of the policy.
3. Recommendation
Recommendation (prescription) to provide information about the relative value or usefulness of future consequences of a problem-solving.
4. Monitoring
Monitoring (description), yielding information about current and past consequences of the implementation of policy alternatives.
5. Evaluation
Evaluation, which has the same name as that used in everyday language, provides information about the value or usefulness of the consequences of solving or coping.

In the analysis of public policy at least cover the seven basic steps. Into seven steps are:
1. Policy Formulation Problems
To be able to study something of public issues is necessary theory, information and methodologies relevant to the problems faced. So that the identification problem will be precise and accurate, then developed into a policy question raised certain issues of policy.

Theory and methods required in this stage is that the research methods, including evaluation research, quantitative methods, and theories relevant to the substance of the issues faced, as well as information about issues that are being carried out the study.

2. Formulation of Objectives
A policy always has the objective to solve public problems. Policy analysts should be able to formulate these goals are clear, realistic and measurable. Obviously, that is understandable, realistic means in accordance with the values ​​of philosophy and scalable means as far as possible be taken into account for real, or can be broken down by size or specific units.

3. Determination Criteria
The analysis requires a clear and consistent criteria for assessing alternatives. The things that are pragmatically necessary as economic (efficiency, etc.) politics (consensus among stakeholders, etc.), administrative (likely effectiveness, etc.) but no less important matters relating to the abstract values such as ethics and the fundamental philosophy (equity, equality, etc.)

4. Model Formulation
The model is an abstraction of the real world, can also be defined as a simple overview of the complex nature of reality problems. Models can be poured in forms that can be classified as follows: Schematic of the model (eg flow charts), physical models (eg, miniature), the game model (eg, fire extinguisher training), symbolic model (eg, mathematical formulas). Benefits of the model in the analysis of public policy is to facilitate a structural description of the problem, assist in making predictions of the consequences arising from the presence or absence of changes in factor.

5. Alternative Development
Alternatives are a number of tools or methods that can be used to reach, directly or indirectly a number of objectives that have been determined.
Policy alternatives can arise in one's mind for several reasons: (1) Based on observations of existing policies. (2) By doing some sort of analogy of a policy in a certain field and tried to apply them in the field being studied, (3) is the result of the assessment of certain issues.

6. Alternative Assessment
Alternatives that exist need to be assessed based on criteria as defined in step three. The goal is to get an assessment more about the effectiveness and feasibility of each alternative in achieving the goals, in order to obtain conclusions about which alternative is most feasible, effective and efficient. There should also be concern that, perhaps an alternative is economically advantageous, the administration can be accomplished, but contrary to the social values or even have a negative impact on the environment. So for this needs assessment of symptoms such as ethics and philosophy or other considerations that may be needed to assess more objectively.

7. Policy recommendations
Assessment of the alternatives will provide a snapshot of an appropriate alternative options for achieving public policy. The task of public policy analyst at the last step is to formulate recommendations on alternatives that can be taken into account to achieve its optimum goals. Recommendations can be one or several alternatives, arguing that a full assessment of various factors. In this recommendation should be presented implementation strategies of policy alternatives that are presented to public policy makers.

Source book for Public Policy Analysis Work Liestyodono

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