Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011


William N. Dunn (2000) suggests that policy analysis is an applied social science discipline which uses a variety of research methods and arguments to generate and transfer relevant information to the policy, so it can be used at political level in order to solve policy problems. Weimer and Vining, (1998:1): The product of policy analysis is advice. Specifically, it is some advice That inform public policy decision. So public policy analysis is more of a consideration of the advice or material that contains a public policy makers about the problems faced, a task that must be performed by public organizations related to the problem, and also the various policy alternatives that may be taken with a variety of assessment based on policy goals.

Analysis of public policies aimed at providing recommendations to help policy makers in efforts to solve public problems. In the analysis of public policy contained information relating to public issues and arguments about the various policy alternatives, for consideration or input to the policy makers.

Analysis of public policies based on the study of discretion can be distinguished between policy analysis prior to any specific public policy and after a specific public policy. Analysis of the policy prior to any public policy based solely on public issues so that the results are really a new public policy recommendations. Both are good policy analysis before and after the policy has the same goal of providing policy recommendations to policymakers in order to obtain a higher quality policy. Dunn (2000: 117) distinguishes three main forms of public policy analysis, namely:

1.Analysis prospective policy
Prospective Policy Analysis in the form of production and transformation of information before the action started and implemented policies. Policy analysis here is a tool for synthesizing information for use in formulating policy alternatives and preferences are expressed comparatively, predicted in a quantitative and qualitative language as a foundation or a guide in making policy decisions.

2.Analysis retrospective policy
Retrospective Policy Analysis is a creation and transformation of information after the policy actions performed. There are three types of analysts based on the activities developed by a group of analysts is the analyst-oriented discipline, problem-oriented analysts and analyst-oriented applications. Of course, this retrospective analysis of these three types there are advantages and disadvantages.

3.Analysis integrated policy
Integrated Policy Analysis is a form of analysis that combines the operating style of the practitioners are concerned with the creation and transformation of information before and after the policy action taken. Integrated policy analysis not only requires the analyst to relate the investigation stage retrospective and perspective, but also requires the analyst to continually produce and transform information at any time.

Source book for Public Policy Analysis Liestyodono work

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